During this new series, Pastor Rodney will be sharing some powerful messages using lessons from Sam Chand’s book, Voices: The Power, Pain, and Purpose of Voices.
We’re looking for some Santa’s Helpers who would like to help make our Christmas Party happen. If you are interested, contact the church office ASAP.
Project M:25
Led by missionaries, Bobby & Tamitha Lynch, Project M:25 is based on the passage of Matthew 25 which includes Christ’s mandate for all Christians to care “for the least of these.” It provides holistic child development services to children who are impoverished and often living in abusive or child labor situations.
Their programs are based upon Scriptural principles and provide nurturing environments for healthy spiritual, physical, psychological and emotional development. They aid in providing meals to approximately 200 children daily who work in produce markets and/or sell products on the streets of Quito.
The Lynch’s, along with their children Jonathan, Jordan, and James, live and minister in Quito, Ecuador and are career missionaries with Church of God World Missions.
Current M:25 Missions Project Life Church is supporting:
We are helping to provide clean, safe drinking water for families, while also sharing with them the Living Water that is Christ Jesus.
Every $150 raised provides:
- Installation of a water filtration system in a home
- Education on the importance of drinking clean water
- Pastoral visits
- Opportunities to learn about Jesus and His love
You can give towards Project M:25 one of the following ways …
- Give on-line by CLICKING HERE
- Give through our Kiosk in the main foyer under “M25”
- Give through the offering and designating your envelope with “M25”