Worship with us | Sunday | 10:30am

Join us each Sunday as we continue our Voices Series. Learning to listen for God's Voice in our lives is so vital. Digging deep into His Word to discover what He says will help us to know Him better and to know His voice when He speaks to us.

An Easter Series to Remember

  • Sunday | April 6 | 10:30am
  • Palm Sunday | April 13 | 10:30am
  • Easter | April 20 | 9am & 11am

Join us in April for our special Easter series featuring The Chosen. Jesus changed the world with His love! Come discover how much He loves you!

Good Friday Service | April 18 | 6:30pm

Many people who were present on the day of the crucifixion of Jesus failed to realize that the Son of God died that day. There was one though, one who clearly understood it. He was not a Jew as you would expect, but rather a Roman Centurian.

Join us for a special Good Friday Service as we discover Hope through the eyes of the Centurian.